How can you help?

Dear Volunteers,

After the COVID-19 shutdown Queensland Vinnies Youth activities are back and running.  There is no better time to join us and make a difference in our communities.  If you are interested in volunteering, please contact your local Vinnies youth staff member or email us at to express interest.

Kind regards,
Ben Knight & Stephanie Veitch
State Youth Manager & State Youth Representative


We understand that not everyone is able to volunteer their time but would still like to join in supporting young people in their community. Below are some ideas around how else you may like to get involved.

Provide Training Support

Help us train our dedicated volunteer members, around topics such as first aid, mental health, program management, leadership, defensive driver, and other skills-base training. This could be an ongoing partnership or a one-off engagement.

Provide Financial Support

The running costs of our community engagements vary.  You could provide support for us to deliver one session or annual support. Donate Today

Provide Equipment/Materials and Goods in Kind

  • Transportation – Buses help provide transportation to camps and other outings. This could either be a donation of using your organisation’s buses, or through assisting us to purchase a 12-seater bus.
  • Equipment – purchase of specific sports equipment, games, craft resources, first aid equipment, eskys, sun protection clothing etc. are needed to support the running of community engagements and camps.
  • Technology – software, child management database, website, iPads, laptops, mobiles, apps, cameras, tripods, microphones etc. are needed to support the running of community engagements and camps.
  • Clothing – provide access to organise our own branded clothing and hats to support volunteer members
  • Buildings/Space – provide regular or occasional access to spaces for training or program days

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