Curriculum Resources

National Curriculum Resources

The St Vincent de Paul Society has designed a range of National Australian Curriculum School resources. The purpose of these resources is to create opportunities for teachers to embed a social justice focus in the subjects already being taught in and outside of the classroom.

Explored Topics

  • Asylum Seekers, Refugees & Immigration
  • Poverty
  • Homelessness
  • Indigenous Australia
  • St Vincent de Paul Society
  • Catholic Social Teachings

General Capabilities Covered 

  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Ethical Understanding
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • Critical and Creative Thinking and Literacy

Topic Resources

  • A curriculum map which shows Australian Curriculum links for Years 5-10 in the subject areas of English, History, Geography and Civics and Citizenship
  • A Fact Book which provides a comprehensive overview of the topic, this can be used to assist students with completing activities
  • A range of activities including comprehension, extended writing, higher order thinking and problem solving tasks.
  • Additional activities such as crosswords, find-a-words, videos, and online interactive games

Cross-Curriculum Priorities Integrated and Explored

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures
  • Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia
  • Sustainability
Asylum Seekers, Refugees & Immigration
Indigenous Australia
St Vincent de Paul Society
Catholic Social Teaching